Here you will find some of the most common questions we receive

Frequently Asked Questions

If you have a question that isn’t answered, please contact us and we’ll be happy to assist you.

Bookings & Payment

How do I book an appointment?

To book an appointment you can click on one of the BOOK A CONSULTATION buttons on this page.

You will then be redirected to our online booking system where you can choose the type of appointment you need, and choose an available time slot that best suits your schedule.

When can I book an appointment?

Online consultations are available Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays (09h30 – 16h00).

In-person consultations are available one day per month in Northcliff, Johannesburg.

Use our online booking system to find an available time slot that suits your schedule.

What should I expect prior to my appointment?

1. Once you have booked your consultation and made payment online, you will receive links to your Client Intake Form and Pre-Consultation Questionnaire, via email, where you will fill in your personal and medical information.

Please make sure to fill in these forms before your appointment. By filling in your medical history beforehand, we can make the most out of your consultation time.

3. One of our team members will remind you about your appointment via email. Please ensure that you give us the correct information, e.g. contact number and email address.

4. On the day of your appointment, 1 hour prior to your booking, you will receive a link via email to join the video call. Please join the link at least 5 minutes prior to your appointment time.

How does payment work?

We are a cash practice. This means that you need to pay upfront for your consultation using our secure online payment system (Payfast).

With Payfast you can pay for your consultation in multiple different ways, e.g. using your debit or credit card, Instant EFT, Snapscan, Zapper, your banking app, store cards, etc.

After your consultation you will receive your invoice, which you can then use to claim back from your medical aid directly.

Please note: Payment needs to be made BEFORE we can confirm your appointment.

Our consultation fees are as follows: 

  • Online First Consultation (30min): R660
  • Online First Consultation (60min): R1100 
  • Online Follow-up Consultations (15min): R495
  • Online Follow-up Consultations (30min): R660
  • Online Follow-up Consultations (60min): R1100
  • In-Person Consultations (30min): R880 
  • In-Person Consultations (60min): R1375
  • Repeat Prescriptions: R385 (only available for known patients seen within the last year).
  • Administrative Work (special reports, letters or motivations): R385 per 15 minutes or part thereof.

Note: For In-Person Consultations, we have a card machine available.

Medication, procedures, laboratory, and radiology costs are not included.

If you are struggling to make payment using Payfast, please send us an email and we will send you our banking details to do an EFT. 

When can I expect to receive my invoice?

You will receive a receipt immediately after you make payment. But you can expect to receive your invoice within one week of your consultation, via email.

This is the invoice you can use to claim from your medical aid.

How do medical aid claims work?

We do not submit any claims to medical aids. You are responsible for submitting all claims to your medical aid.

Once you have received your invoice, you can submit the claim to your medical aid with your proof of payment/receipt within 4 months of your consultation. 

Most medical aids cover telehealth consultations, however, the responsibility for payment remains with the patient.

How do I cancel an appointment?

If you have confirmed your appointment, but then decide to cancel it, you need to cancel it at least 24 hours in advance via email to megan@drmeganmartin.com.

If you do not cancel at least 24 hours in advance, you will be charged for your consultation in full.

Please note: Medical aids do not cover missed appointments, so this amount will be for your own account.

If you have already paid for your consultation upfront, you can postpone or reschedule your appointment for another time at no extra cost.

I haven't received my intake forms or Zoom link. What do I do?

If you haven’t received your intake forms or Zoom link, the first thing you should do is check your email spam folder.

Unfortunately, sometimes our emails sent via Bookem (our admin system) get automatically sent to spam. If you find our emails in your spam folder, please mark them as safe and drag them over into your main inbox so you don’t miss important emails from us in future.

The Zoom link for your consultation will be sent 1 hour before your scheduled appointment time.

If you can’t find the links to your intake forms and/or your Zoom link in your spam folder, please send us an email at megan@drmeganmartin.com as soon as possible.

Online Consultations & Telemedicine

How does telemedicine work?

Telemedicine is an online medical consultation with a doctor done via video call.

During the consultation the doctor asks the patient a series of questions regarding their specific concerns and medical history.

They can also guide the patient through a self-examination where necessary by asking the patient to perform specific actions, such as pressing on their stomach and lifting their arms, according to the type of examination and condition, much like an in-person visit to a medical clinic.

You receive the same level of professional care as with an in-person visit, with the difference lying in the where and how of the examination.

The doctor can also order tests and prescribe medication remotely.

Is my information safe?

All of your personal and medical information is kept confidential. It is stored and protected in a secure encrypted electronic record system.

All information shared with us in your intake forms, health questionnaires, consultations, and communications with us is considered confidential and will not be shared with any third party without your explicit consent. This includes sharing information with family members, partners or employers.

Please note: It’s part of our ethical code to deliver the highest quality of care whilst maintaining confidentiality. In the case of complicated conditions, and in the interest of improving her clinical knowledge and skills, Dr Martin may discuss your case with senior colleagues or other members of the multidisciplinary team, such as physiotherapists or psychologists, for better insight into your care. During these discussions, your identifying information will not be shared.

If you do not consent to this, please inform Dr Martin directly.

What kinds of services do you provide & what kinds of conditions do you treat?

This list is by no means comprehensive:

Sexual & Reproductive Health

  • STI screening, testing and treatment
  • Contraception / birth control, including emergency contraception / Plan B
  • Pap smears / cervical screening / HPV testing
  • Low libido
  • Difficulties with arousal / lubrication
  • Anorgasmia (difficulty with orgasm)
  • Sexual / genital pain
  • Erectile difficulties
  • Premature ejaculation
  • Delayed ejaculation
  • Post-orgasmic illness syndrome (POIS)
  • Persistent genital arousal disorder (PGAD)
  • Vaginal infections / abnormal discharge
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Genital ulcers / lumps & bumps
  • Urinary tract infections (UTIs) / bladder infections
  • Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)
  • PSA (prostate cancer) screening
  • Referral for screening mammograms
  • Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) for HIV and other STIs
  • Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP)
  • Advice and counselling regarding safer sexual practices
  • Advice and counselling regarding self-breast/chest examination

Hormone Therapy

  • Menopause
  • Masculinising hormone therapy (incl. advice for enhancing facial hair and bottom growth)
  • Feminising hormone therapy (incl. advice for difficulties with erections and inducing lactation)
  • Menstrual / cyclic bleeding cessation
  • Hair loss


And because we realise that accessing compassionate, inclusive primary healthcare can be difficult for the LGBTQIA+ community and folks with larger bodies, we also offer primary healthcare services, such as:


Chronic Illness Management

  • Hypertension (high blood pressure)
  • Diabetes
  • High cholesterol
  • HIV testing & treatment, including advice on safe conception for sero-discordant couples (one person who is HIV+ and the other HIV-)
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Asthma
  • Acne
  • Myalgic encephalitis / chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS)
  • Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS)

Acute Illness Management

  • Vomiting & diarrhoea
  • Constipation
  • Cold sores
  • Mild allergic reactions
  • Eye infections / pink eye
  • Heartburn & reflux
  • Colds & flu
  • Haemorrhoids / anal fissures

Mental Health

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Insomnia
  • Smoking cessation


Please Note: We do NOT provide obstetric care to pregnant patients.


What if I need a physical examination?

During a consultation, your medical history (which is talking about your symptoms, history and health concerns) is the most useful and important element in making an accurate diagnosis, and it is much more valuable than either physical examination or diagnostic tests.

It’s your medical history that guides the whole process providing key information regarding what type of physical examination may be necessary or which further investigations/tests may be needed.

If a physical examination is necessary, sometimes the doctor may ask you to examine yourself and guide you through the process, as the doctor won’t be able to examine you directly. For example, you may be asked to feel your abdomen for where it is painful.

Sometimes it can help to have someone else you are comfortable with do this for you. This could be a family member, a friend or another health professional.

But keep in mind that just seeing and talking to a patient via video alone already provides the remote doctor with a lot of valuable information about the patient’s condition.

If the doctor thinks that you would need a more formal physical examination, you will be asked to book an in-person consultation in Johannesburg, or to visit your local GP.

What if I need my blood pressure, glucose, heart rate or temperature measured?

If you have your own equipment, you may be asked to take your own blood pressure, blood glucose/sugar, heart rate or temperature.

Taking your own pulse can be quite easy. You can find it in your neck or in your wrist close to the base of your thumb and time it over one minute. Alternatively you could use a pulse oximeter or wearable heart rate monitor, such as a smart watch.

If you are taking medication for hypertension (high blood pressure) or diabetes (high blood glucose/sugar), you will need to either test your blood pressure/glucose levels at home with your own machines, or get them tested at your nearest pharmacy less than 1 week before your consultation.

NB: Please make sure you take your chronic medication as usual on the day you’re testing your blood pressure/glucose.

What if I need tests or scans?

If you require blood tests, x-rays or scans, we will provide you with the necessary documentation to visit your nearest pathology lab or radiology department, via email.

If tests are ordered during your consultation, a separate follow-up consultation must be scheduled to discuss the test results and any necessary further action, which will be charged at standard follow-up rates. 

In some cases, where results are completely normal and no further action is required, no follow-up consultation will be necessary. We will simply send you an email, at no extra charge, to inform you that your results came back normal and no further action is necessary.

If you don’t receive any feedback from us regarding your test results within 1 week of sending in a sample, please send us an email and let us know so we can follow up on your results.

How do I get my prescription or sick note?

Prescriptions and sick notes will be sent via email following your consultation.

You will then be able to show your digital prescription to the pharmacist, email your prescription to your preferred pharmacy, or if you’re using Dischem, upload the prescription onto the app.

Can I renew my existing prescription as a first-time patient?

Yes, but you will need to book a consultation with the doctor first. You will then be able to renew your existing prescription by providing us with a copy of your last script or a duplicate from your pharmacist.

Will I be referred to a specialist for further treatment?

If your condition requires further specialist evaluation or treatment, we will provide you with a referral letter to see a specialist (e.g. gynaecologist, urologist, surgeon, etc.)

We also provide referral letters for psychologists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, social workers, speech therapists, etc.

What if I have questions after my consultation or experience unacceptable side effects from the prescribed medication?

If you have any questions or concerns about your condition or the treatment given after your consultation, you can send us an email and the doctor will get back to you as soon as possible to discuss it.

These emails will be charged at R350.

Alternatively, you can schedule a follow-up appointment at standard follow-up rates.

Please note: We only attend to queries during office hours.

What if I have an emergency?

We DO NOT provide emergency services of any kind.

If you are experiencing a medical/mental health emergency or life-threatening condition, such as:

  • Trouble breathing
  • Chest pain/pressure that does not go away
  • Coughing up blood
  • Confusion
  • Severe sleepiness
  • Blue lips or face
  • Sudden loss of vision
  • Weakness of the limbs
  • Bleeding that won’t stop, including suspected miscarriage or vaginal bleeding during pregnancy
  • Loss of consciousness/fainting/dizziness
  • Seizures
  • Poison ingestion
  • Severe burns
  • Trauma, including large cuts or lacerations, head injuries or suspected broken bones
  • Suicidal ideation
  • Hallucinations

Please go to your nearest emergency room/casualty, or call an ambulance:

  • 10177 (public)
  • Netcare 082 9111 (private)
  • ER24 084 124 (private)

If you are having a mental health health emergency, you can also contact: 


  • National HIV/AIDS Helpline: 0800 012 322
  • Stop Gender Violence Line: 0800 150 150
  • Lifeline National Crisis Line: 0861 322 322
  • South African Depression & Anxiety Group: 011 234 4837
  • Akeso Psychiatric Response Unit 24 Hour: 0861 435 787
  • Suicide Crisis Line: 0800 567 567 OR SMS: 31393
    Do I have to include my medical information in the intake forms?

    We highly encourage you to fill in the intake forms with as much detail as possible.

    We do this because it can help you to get the most value out of your online consultation, where we can focus on the reason for your visit, instead of spending valuable time talking about your medical history, medications, lifestyle, etc. 

    Please note: Only Dr Martin has access to your intake forms and all information shared is considered confidential.

    If you are really uncomfortable with sharing your medical history before meeting Dr Martin, you do not have to fill it in beforehand. Just know that you will need to spend time answering these questions during the consultation.


    Do you have an inclusion or non-discrimination policy?


    This practice appreciates the diversity of human beings and all staff members are committed to providing sensitive, respectful and affirming healthcare services at all times, regardless of age, race, background, culture, religion, language, socioeconomic status, physical or mental ability, weight, profession, gender identity, sexual orientation, relationship structure or sexual practices.

    In particular, we are proud to provide services for:

    • LGBTQIA+/Queer communities
    • Neurodiverse communities
    • Polyamorous communities
    • Kink communities
    • People in larger bodies
    • Sex workers
    Do you provide services for children and adolescents?

    Due to the limitations of telemedicine, we do not provide services for children and adolescents below the age of 14.


    Do you see patients from outside of South Africa?

    Unfortunately not. 

    Dr Martin is only registered to practice medicine in South Africa, and can only provide services to South African residents or those currently present in South Africa at the time of consultation. 

    What are the requirements for starting gender affirming hormone therapy?

    Dr Martin works from an informed consent model. This means that the healthcare provider and client share in the decision making process after discussing all of the risks and benefits of hormone therapy.

    The informed consent model recognises the trans person as the expert of their own needs and experience, while respecting that the medical professional is able to utilise their expertise to enable effective and safe treatment. Together, they can optimise the health and well-being of the person requiring access to gender affirming hormone therapy in a timely manner.

    Requirements for starting hormone therapy:

    • A desire to use hormone therapy.
    • Persistent gender incongruence between one’s experienced and assigned gender.
    • Capacity to make a fully informed decision and consent to treatment.
    • The decision is made of your own free will.

    You do NOT need to have a referral letter from a mental health professional if you are over the age of 18. Please note that if there is any doubt about your capacity to consent at any point, you will be asked to see a psychologist/psychiatrist for assessment.

    Adolescents ages 14-17 will need a readiness assessment and letter of support from a psychologist before starting hormone therapy, but you are welcome to book a consultation to discuss your treatment options and ask questions beforehand.

    Feel free to contact us if you would like recommendations for affirming trans-friendly psychologists to do this readiness assessment for you.  

    Do you write letters for transgender and gender diverse persons who would like to change their gender marker at Home Affairs?

    Yes, Dr Martin is happy to write these letters for patients she prescribes hormone therapy for, as well as for patients receiving hormone therapy from other medical practitioners. These letters are R385.

    As stated in the Southern African HIV Clinician’s Society Gender Affirming Healthcare Guidelines: South African legislation allows a transgender and gender diverse person to change their gender marker, as well as their forename. Transgender and gender diverse people can apply to change their sex description in the birth register in terms of the Alteration of Sex Description and Sex Status Act 49 of 2003.

    Section 2(1) states:

    Any person whose sexual characteristics have been altered by surgical or medical treatment … resulting in gender reassignment … may apply to the Director-General of the National Department of Home Affairs for the alteration of the sex description on his or her birth register.

    In terms of Section 2(2)(b), an application must include two reports by different medical practitioners.

    The Act does not make gender affirming or reassignment surgery compulsory. Hormonal treatment is sufficient.

    Application for forename change can be made as per Section 24 of the Births and Deaths Registration Act 51 of 1992 and does not require any letter.

    You can find a helpful resource that details the process of gender marker and forename changes HERE.

    What are your contact details?

    If you have any questions or concerns at any time, you can email us at megan@drmeganmartin.com.

    If you would like to book a consultation, you can do so HERE.

    Tips For A Successful Online Consultation

    Preparing for the consultation

    1. Write down a list of questions or health concerns that you would like to discuss. If you have been asked to track any symptoms or readings, ensure that you have the necessary information with you.

    2. Take photos of any physical evidence that may be related to your consultation, such as photos of rashes, ulcers, lumps or bumps you’re concerned about, discharge, etc.

    3. Have a list all the medication (including the dosage) that you are currently taking if you haven’t included this information in your intake forms.

    4. If you have any previous tests results, including blood tests or scans, please email a copy/photo to us before your consultation.

    5. If you are consulting the doctor for the management of a chronic illness, like hypertension or diabetes, please make sure you’ve had a recent BP measurement or fasting finger prick glucose test done at home or your local pharmacy in the last week before your appointment. Please ensure you take your chronic medication as prescribed on the day of your BP/glucose testing so that we can see whether your treatment regimen is optimal.

    6. If you are feeling too uncomfortable or embarrassed to discuss sex or sexual problems with the doctor, you can write her a brief note via email, or include it in your intake forms to make sure the doctor is aware beforehand.

    Preparing for the online call

    1. Choose a quiet room with the necessary privacy where you will not be disturbed.

    2. Take care to optimise the lighting in the room for a clear onscreen image of yourself.

    3. Your device should have a working webcam or camera and a reliable microphone and speakers.

    4. The consultation is done via an online platform, so check that you will have sufficient wifi/data access on your device.

    5. Ensure the device is fully charged before the consultation.

    6. Perform your own video and sound check beforehand.

    7. Set up the camera at eye level.

    8. Consider closing other programs or apps on your device that may be in use to ensure optimal functioning of your device.

    Starting the online call

    1. Access the link we sent you for the consultation via Google Chrome or Safari web browser for an iOS device (iPhone/iPad)

    2. Access the link approximately 5 minutes prior to your appointment time.

    3. Consider having our email address on hand should you experience any connection difficulties during your consultation time.

    During the consultation

    1. Make sure you can see and hear the doctor clearly, if you can’t, please let the doctor know so you don’t miss any important information.

    2. Make sure you look into the camera and stay close to your device.

    3. Provide a thorough explanation of your health concerns or symptoms and any medication that you are currently taking.

    4. Listen carefully and ask questions to clarify any uncertainties. Ensure that by the end of the consultation you have discussed any specific questions you may have had regarding your diagnosis or treatment plan.

    5. If you need a repeat script, inform the doctor.

    6. Ask about follow-up visits.

    7. Make sure that you follow the instructions given to you by the doctor, as agreed upon during the consultation. If you experience any side effects or want to stop your prescribed medication, please inform the doctor as soon as possible so you can agree on an alternative treatment plan. 

    8. In the unlikely event that the doctor says or does something that makes you feel uncomfortable, please let them know immediately (e.g. uses incorrect pronouns, uses the wrong word to describe a body part, incorrectly assumes sexual practices, etc.). We want you to feel as safe and comfortable as possible. Not only is Dr Martin okay with being corrected, she actively encourages it. If you don’t feel comfortable speaking up it in the moment, you can always send an email afterwards. Your comfort and safety is our biggest priority.

    Frequently Asked Questions
    Frequently Asked Questions
    Frequently Asked Questions
    Frequently Asked Questions
    Frequently Asked Questions
    Frequently Asked Questions

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