
Your #1 Guide To Sexual Health & Gender Affirming Healthcare

CBD for Sexual Health

CBD for Sexual Health

Over the last few years, CBD has gained popularity for it's believed health benefits, including for chronic pain, inflammation, anxiety and insomnia. This interest in CBD then spread over into the sexual wellness industry, resulting in numerous CBD products being...

Your Guide To Safer Chest Binding

Your Guide To Safer Chest Binding

If you’re transgender, non-binary, genderfluid or simply want to minimise your chest size, you may be interested in chest binding. While chest binding is generally considered to be safe and can be very gender affirming for those who do it, there are important health risks and safety tips you need to be aware of to avoid possible health complications.

Gender Affirming Voice and Communication Therapy for Trans and Gender Diverse Individuals

Gender Affirming Voice and Communication Therapy for Trans and Gender Diverse Individuals

Gender affirming voice and communication therapy can have various goals depending on the individual’s needs and preferences. Some may want to feminize, masculinise, or neutralise their voice and communication style. Others may want to enhance their vocal health, flexibility, or confidence. Some may want to explore different aspects of their gender expression through voice and communication.

Feminising Hormone Therapy: The Important Stuff

Feminising Hormone Therapy: The Important Stuff

Feminising hormone therapy is just one of the options available that allow people assigned male at birth (AMAB) to feel more comfortable in their bodies, relieve gender dysphoria, and/or change the way they look and sound to better match their gender identity. Here’s everything you need to know about it…

Masculinising Hormone Therapy: The Important Stuff

Masculinising Hormone Therapy: The Important Stuff

Masculinising hormone therapy is just one of the options available that allow people assigned female at birth (AFAB) to feel more comfortable in their bodies, relieve gender dysphoria, and/or change the way they look and sound to better match their gender identity. Here’s everything you need to know about masculinising hormone therapy…

10 Eye-Opening Reasons Why Having A Baby Lowers Your Libido

10 Eye-Opening Reasons Why Having A Baby Lowers Your Libido

Have you ever wondered why having a baby lowers your libido or why your sex life seemingly disappeared overnight after the baby came along? You aren’t alone! Babies change everything, including your interest in sex. Here’s why…

Why I Hate The Term “Sex Drive”

Why I Hate The Term “Sex Drive”

The biggest myth about libido, sexual desire or sex drive, is that you should always be feeling the “urge” to have sex. As soon as that “urge” is gone, we start to wonder whether something is wrong with us. Is it true? Is libido a sexual drive that is ingrained in us for survival? No. Is it okay that there’s a time and a place for sex in our lives? Yes. Let me explain why.

Review: Liquid Gold Lube Sexual Lubricant

Review: Liquid Gold Lube Sexual Lubricant

Have you been looking for a 100% natural, vegan, plant-based personal lubricant designed to enhance your sexual experiences with quality ingredients? If so, you’re in the right place! Today I’m reviewing Liquid Gold Lube for you so you can make an informed decision when you make your lube purchasing decisions. This uniquely South African lube is definitely one to keep on your radar when looking for the perfect water-based lube.

How To Take The Brakes Off Your Sex Drive

How To Take The Brakes Off Your Sex Drive

If you think about your sex drive like a car, you’ll soon realise that there are accelerators which get you going and inhibitors (or brakes) that stop you from getting aroused. Your car isn’t going to go anywhere if your foot is firmly on the brake, and the same thing happens with your sex drive. By learning how to take the brakes off your sex drive, you can improve your sex drive and experience more satisfying sex. And here I’m going to show you how to do exactly that.

How To Hit The Accelerator On Your Libido Today

How To Hit The Accelerator On Your Libido Today

In order to improve your libido you need to understand how your libido works. Here I will break down how libido works and show you how you hit the accelerator on your libido starting today. If you’re in a long-term committed relationship, I’m sure you’re very aware how different your sex life is now compared to when you first started dating.

How To Hack Your Libido

How To Hack Your Libido

Does it feel like your libido has stalled and you just can’t get it back into gear? Does it seem like nothing revs your engine anymore? Allow me be your libido mechanic and show you how to hack your libido and get it going again so you can get where you want to be.

7 Reasons Why You Should Expand Your Definition Of Sex

7 Reasons Why You Should Expand Your Definition Of Sex

Is your definition of sex limited to penis-in-vagina (P-in-V) penetration? I don’t blame you. That’s what you have been brought up to believe. “Make sure you have safe sex by using a condom” and “Don’t have sex, sex leads to pregnancy”. But what happens when you expand your definition of sex? I’m sure you’ve heard it all. Like the word “hook-up” which can mean anything from kissing to sex, sex can mean different things for different people.

Looking For A Magic Pill To Fix Your Low Libido?

Looking For A Magic Pill To Fix Your Low Libido?

Low libido is one of the most common struggles affecting women today, research shows that 26.7% to 52.4% of women have experienced significant low libido in their lifetime. Knowing this, finding a simple solution in the form of a pill could potentially help millions of women across the world. Men have had Viagra to keep them going since 1998. Is there something similar available for women? Where’s the magical pink Viagra for women with low libido?

The 5 Best Blog Posts About Responsive Sexual Desire

The 5 Best Blog Posts About Responsive Sexual Desire

Simply understanding the difference between spontaneous and responsive sexual desire can change the way you see your sex life forever. You can go from thinking you’re broken and struggling with low libido to reclaiming how your body works and making your sex life work FOR you rather than AGAINST you.

3 Reasons Why I HATE Foreplay

3 Reasons Why I HATE Foreplay

Hate may be a strong word, but by reading this post I’m sure I can convert you too! Foreplay is an outdated concept that needs to be left in the past where it belongs. Why do I get so fired up about foreplay? Because it has very real implications for the pleasure of women. Gone are the days where sex is supposed to be about men and their pleasure. Women deserve to experience all the pleasure, intimacy and connection that they desire, and we’re not going to let the concept of foreplay stand in their way.

3 Reasons Why You Should Stop Waiting To Be In The Mood For Sex

3 Reasons Why You Should Stop Waiting To Be In The Mood For Sex

Have you been waiting to feel in the mood for sex and it just never lands up happening? You’ve been waiting for weeks, maybe months, to feel any glimmer of sexual desire but it seems way out of reach. It’s like your body is broken and doesn’t crave sex anymore. You turn down your partner’s requests for sex every time saying you’re just “not in the mood” and “maybe tomorrow”, but tomorrow never comes. You haven’t had sex in so long you’ve even forgotten what it feels like to experience sexual desire.

Choreplay: How Sharing Household Chores Can Lead To More Sex

Choreplay: How Sharing Household Chores Can Lead To More Sex

Are you carrying the bulk of the housework on your shoulders? Have you ever considered packing your things and running away so you never have to pick up after another person again? This feeling may be more common than you think! Let me tell you why sharing household chores can lead to more sex, and can even save your relationship! Chores might seem like a trivial matter to some, but until you’re the one drowning in your list of chores to get done before bedtime, you will not understand just how big an impact it can have on your relationship.

I Never Initiate Sex: My Partner Resents Me For It

I Never Initiate Sex: My Partner Resents Me For It

“I never initiate sex and we keep arguing about it. He just doesn’t get it”. “He thinks I’m not attracted to him anymore but that’s really not true! I love him and want to be with him, I just haven’t been up for sex lately!” Ever heard yourself utter those words once or twice? It’s more common than you think. Just because you’ve stopped initiating sex, it doesn’t mean that you aren’t attracted to your partner anymore. But how do we make them see it that way?

3 Ridiculously Simple Reasons Why You Don’t Have Sex Anymore

3 Ridiculously Simple Reasons Why You Don’t Have Sex Anymore

Have you gone without sex for over 3 months and can’t put your finger on why? You just don’t feel like having sex anymore, and to be honest, your partner has given up trying to initiate with you. There could be so many reasons why you don’t have sex anymore, and I’m here to tell you that it can all be boiled down to these 3 reasons.

4 Essential Components Of A Healthy Sex Life

4 Essential Components Of A Healthy Sex Life

Want to improve your sex life but don’t know where to start? In this post I will be breaking down the basics of a healthy sex life. By working on each component and creating a solid foundation, you can build the sex life you’ve always wanted. Contrary to popular belief, good sex doesn’t just happen, and like all aspects of a relationship, it takes work. It is only by building a solid foundation that you can experience the sexual intimacy you’ve always envied.

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